четверг, 20 июня 2019 г.

Entry 3.

         Listening podcasts and applications.
     We are living in modern and developing century so we can not imagine our life without any technology. The person who lives in this period should be aware of any kind of gadgets because it is requirements of the present time.
      To be honest my computer skills are not really good but I have information how to run the computer and some programmes such as word,exel.Nevertheles I must try to improve my skill better.
    The more we practice the more we learn. If we do not know how to use computer, this weakness can fail us especially in our modern life because many dealings are related to technology at the present.

Entry 10.

             Outcomes of the Course.
         Since we were accepted to this university, we have been taught by Toshboyeva Munojot on ICT subject. Through learning this subject we have gained useful informations such as creating blogs, discs and working with emails. Of course, I can tell without doubt that all the things I have learnt will be useful in my future profession.

        Wrap-up effects in reading have traditionally been thought to reflect increased processing associated with intra- and inter-clause integration (Just & Carpenter, 1980; Rayner, Kambe & Duffy, 2000; cf. Hirotani, Frazier, & Rayner, 2006). We report an eye-tracking experiment with a strong manipulation of integrative complexity at a critical word that was either sentence-final, ended a comma-marked clause, or was not comma marked.

        Although both complexity and punctuation each had reliable effects, they did not interact in any eye-movement measure. These results and simulations using the E-Z Reader model of eye-movement control (Reichle, Warren, & McConnell, 2009) suggest that traditional accounts of clause wrap-up are incomplete.

Entry 9.

    Pros and cons of different social media                         applications.
    I think that  we all know how to use different social media platforms in our own personal lives, but using them professionally is a whole different story—after all, tweeting for yourself and tweeting for your business require two completely different styles of tweeting. Social media marketing provides an opportunity to build brand recognitionregardless of where you're posting, but each platform offers its own unique experience... so should your business really be on every social media site?With more and more platforms becoming available every day, it can be hard to keep up with where you need to establish a presence. Here's a list of pros and cons for 6 of the biggest and most popular social media platforms that will help you start making profiles in the right places.
       Social media has quickly become an essential tool for businesses to get their brands out there among the masses. Many companies both large and small are jumping onto the bandwagon with reckless abandon, often to mixed results. So how do you make the most of your social media presence? The key is in what platforms you choose to adopt. With so many different social media options out there, each one offers unique advantages and drawbacks. Once you know what type of audience you want to attract for your business, you'll be able weigh the pros and cons and select a platform that's right for you.

Entry 8.

     How useful / effective are online self-                               assesment tests.
     Online automated tests and assessment can play an important role in e-learning. The  possibility of automated feedback and grading, as well as reuse of existing tests, increases  the efficiency for the teacher.              Tests provide more flexible learning environments and can  also motivate and guide the student, due to immediate feedback. 
     However, it all depends on the quality of tests, and how they are used. Designing tests of  high quality can be a demanding task for the teacher. Our work has focused on the  development of a test tool that will help the teacher carry out automated testing.
      Using  statistics in different ways, the tool will offer the teacher valuable means for analysing  test results and improving tests.

Entry 7 .

        The best project I made / presentations                              I  made.
        I have not made any kind of presentation or project works until entering this university. We have faced with lots of exciting activities and handmade works since we were accepted. I think the best presentation I made is 'Indian culture' from LS. In that presentation we made 'chapati', the national cuisine of Indians, even we played a piece of Indian dance. That was really nice, interesting and enjoyable one for us.

      After l have entered the university l know it. Before I didnt hear it. But as to my opinion about it , presentations is very essential for students because it develops your speech and coaches you for teachers, journalists and other professions. It helps to behave yourself and teaches us how to speak in audience. When I did with my groupmates first time that we were three students. Now I like doing presentation.It's very interesting and useful for learning something or teaching somebody. At present time I think that it was very simple and I say in myself "can it really be true".

Entry 6.

         My test talking strategies.
       I think, my  Test Taking Strategies  are neither best nor worst.Before delving into test taking strategies outlined below, we recommend reading and familiarizing yourself with proven test preparation tips and strategies for improving test imformance,if you haven't already.
       Once you have a solid command of the subject matter and material that will be presented on your test, it's time to put in play some basic test taking strategies that have proven effective for thousands of students. Remember, you must adapt test-taking strategies to the specific type of test you're taking.

1. Be prepared

There is no substitute for preparation. If you haven't studied throughout the semester. If you haven't reviewed prior to test day. If you don't know the test material, all the test taking strategies in the world won't save you. Preparation is key.

Spend as many hours as necessary to understand the material that will be covered on the test well enough to achieve a high score.

Since teachers often slightly modify information on tests to determine if students have good understanding of concepts, spend time on honing test-taking skills.

2. Always arrive early and take a moment to relax

You'll increase your confidence if you take time to relax.

You'll be able to narrow your focus for the upcoming test.

Arriving early may allow you time to ask any last minutes questions of instructor or listen to explanations being provided to other students. Some study resource suggest that it's better to arrive on time to avoid "brain pickers", student who ask questions right before a test, but we disagree. We believe there is more to be gained by arriving a little early.

3. Listen attentively to last minute instructions given by the instructor

It is not uncommon for teachers to alter test details at the last minute.

If you miss test instructions, test taking anxiety will increase.

If you miss test instructions, don't be scared to ask for instructions to be repeated.
4. Do a memory dump

A memory dump can be a particularly useful strategy for improving performance certain types of tests.

As soon as you begin the test, write down information that you will likely need to know for the test and you fear you may forget. (ie., formulas, equations, dates, lists, etc.)

5. Read the test directions very carefully and watch for details

Test questions and directions often contain valuable information. Always read all directions carefully to ensure you understand what is being asked.

It is not uncommon to have two correct answers on a multiple choice question. Pay attention to details.

Frequently, test instructions will notify students that they only need to complete two questions, but there will be 5 options.

Entry 5.

  Critical analysis of online language                          learning resources.
       Hi my dears !!! How are you??? Let's talk about online language learning resources! Technology has changed the way  learn and access education.   Here are I'm going to write some pros of learning a language online!The good thing about learning online is that each one of us can choose when, where and for how long to practise. It could be five minutes during the lunch break or three hours from home. It is free, it is perfect for those who do not have time for a course but still want to learn something new.
      In the past, it was hard for  students to meet native speakers unless they moved, especially for uncommon languages. Nowadays everyone can create a linguistic tandem and will be able to practise any language you are learning with a native speaker just staying at home!
    Learning a language is expensive and therefore not for everybody, but thanks to the online tools many people can learn a new languages for free.

Entry 3.

         Listening podcasts and applications.      We are living in modern and developing century so we can not imagine our life without a...