четверг, 20 июня 2019 г.

Entry 5.

  Critical analysis of online language                          learning resources.
       Hi my dears !!! How are you??? Let's talk about online language learning resources! Technology has changed the way  learn and access education.   Here are I'm going to write some pros of learning a language online!The good thing about learning online is that each one of us can choose when, where and for how long to practise. It could be five minutes during the lunch break or three hours from home. It is free, it is perfect for those who do not have time for a course but still want to learn something new.
      In the past, it was hard for  students to meet native speakers unless they moved, especially for uncommon languages. Nowadays everyone can create a linguistic tandem and will be able to practise any language you are learning with a native speaker just staying at home!
    Learning a language is expensive and therefore not for everybody, but thanks to the online tools many people can learn a new languages for free.

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Entry 3.

         Listening podcasts and applications.      We are living in modern and developing century so we can not imagine our life without a...